Stephen Croft is an amatuer  landscape photographer who dedicates his spare time photographing the English Lake District. He lives near Pooley Bridge with his best friend  Benji Beagle.

Steve is semi retired which gives him plenty of time to walk the hills and mountains of Cumbria, always with his camera and faithful friend Benji.

Steve has always been passionate about photography, many years ago he passed O level and A level exams in film photography and dark room developing. Later he was employed by Kodak where he had access to cheap and free film giving him plenty of experience in film photography and processing in his own dark room.

Once digital photography started he became a dedicated Nikon user and has progressed through many cameras including the D80, D90, D7000, D7500 and currently uses a D850.

This website is Steve's latest portfolio website and displays his best photographs from his lake district walks from 2020 and 2022. 
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